I’m A Left-Handed Gemini and I’m Okay

When I started this blog not quite three weeks ago, I knew I wanted it to be about writing and books. I didn’t want to bore people with ramblings about my life or random thoughts.

But as I travel around WordPress, I see that there is a definite social component to most of the blogs. I also see from my blog stats that my “About Me” page gets hit fairly often. Although I am not one to bare my soul to virtual strangers (I’ll blame it on my upbringing), I do not want to appear reluctant to be communal. I will share my opinions, as respectfully as possible, in my posts and in the comments I leave around WordPress.

So, in the interest of satisfying any curiosity about myself, let me start by saying that I am indeed a true Gemini. No, I’m not an astrology nut (I mean astrology buff), but it’s fun to consider its merits.

(from www.astrology.com)

Gemini is the third Sign of the Zodiac, and those born under this Sign will be quick to tell you all about it. That’s because they love to talk! It’s not just idle chatter with these folks, either. The driving force behind a Gemini’s conversation is their mind. The Gemini-born are intellectually inclined, forever probing people and places in search of information. The more information a Gemini collects, the better. Sharing that information later on with those they love is also a lot of fun, for Geminis are supremely interested in developing their relationships. Dalliances with these folks are always enjoyable, since Geminis are bright, quick-witted and the proverbial life of the party. Even though their intellectual minds can rationalize forever and a day, Geminis also have a surplus of imagination waiting to be tapped. Can a Gemini be boring? Never!

Since Geminis are a mix of the yin and the yang, they are represented perfectly by the Twins. The Gemini-born can easily see both sides of an issue, a wonderfully practical quality. Less practical is the fact that you’re not sure which Twin will show up half the time. Geminis may not know who’s showing up either, which can prompt others to consider them fickle and restless.

They can be wishy-washy, too, changing their mood on a simple whim. It’s this characteristic which readily suggests the Mutable Quality assigned to this Sign. Mutable folks are flexible and go with the flow. Further, the Twins are adaptable and dexterous and can tackle many things at once. It’s a good thing, too, when you consider their myriad interests. The downside of such a curious mind, however, can be a lack of follow-through. How much can any one person do, anyway?

Yup that’s pretty much me, although I take exception to the wishy-washy part.

I love to talk, to read, to write, and I have been told that I have good communication skills. I get bored fairly easily, so I have to keep mixing it up— some of you who’ve been here before may have noticed that I’ve already edited my blog’s design template and probably will do so again, so don’t be surprised when you visit. I may even start another blog in the future about something else (or not), but writing is my true passion. I love to learn new things and I’m a technology junkie; I like toys- the cooler the better.

I’m also a leftie; did you know that only one in ten people are left-handed? I like to think that makes me special. 🙂

It also means I grew up with ink along the side of my left hand from dragging it across the paper as I wrote (clearly another advantage of personal computers), using left-handed scissors (unless I wanted to feel searing pain along my left thumb from right-handed scissors digging in), jamming the door lock in my parents’ home (by turning the door knob in the opposite direction from everyone else), and sitting at the end of the table at mealtime (to prevent knocking elbows with my right-handed sisters). I also had to learn to reverse everything I was taught to make it work for me like knitting, batting and catching (baseball), bowling, etc.

So, that’s me in a nutshell. (Did I say nut again?) All in all, I think I’m pretty normal. And until someone tells me otherwise and offers irrefutable proof, I’m gonna keep thinking it.

60 responses to this post.

  1. LOL, thats funny! btw nice post! cheers

    I laughed so much! lOLOL thats some good stuff!


  2. I’m still trying to figure out blogger etiquette by responding to responses properly. I am definately a neophyte at it. Sicilian Gemini too!? My gemini twin and I will celebrate our birthday June 1st with plenty of Sfincione. Kewl!


  3. Posted by kallioppe on April 11, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    I’m a left handed writer as well — Libra instead of Gemini and like you, I have done my fair share of smudging ink across my fingers and pages. I remember at school when they would have those annoying right-sided desks — usually an entire classroom of them and only one or two lefty ones. So unfair! No wonder most of us grew up being able to write upside down. I hold my paper twisted at a 3/4 angle. I get some strange looks.


  4. I just referenced you in a post about left-handedness today on the Damian Daily. 🙂


  5. Liked your post, I’m also a left-handed Gemini fledgling writer, and I have the smudge marks on my hand to prove it!


    • Posted by Anonymous on April 3, 2022 at 2:30 am

      I hated that on my left hand while writing I’m a gemini also. Someone tried reaching me another way to tilt the paper and write the paper was turned totally sideways and they never got the ink on there hand noor did I ever get the hang of it


  6. I’m joining the club of the left-handed Geminis! 🙂 I can be very fickle which is a downside when you’re teaching as I change instructions just as easily as you can snap your fingers.
    It’s amazing how resourceful we can be to adapt to our environment. Those right-sided desks are indeed annoying (I only sat in one for my entire school career). I never used a left handed scissor (although I would, really really like one). As a result, my cutting is often crooked. I often sit next to a lefty in class so we don’t bump into each other when we write. I couldn’t learn the violin because my instructor was right handed and he’s be so confused reversing everything he did. As for bowling, I was lucky my coach was a lefty as well.
    Strangely enough, I use chopsticks with my right hand. It’s been said lefties are more likely to be ambidextrous. 😉


  7. Hi, I am also a leftie that loves to write! I am a Leo though. Please feel free to stop by and say hello! I really like your blog!


  8. Posted by EvetheGoddess on October 16, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    I am also a left-handed gemini at the age of 24, I watch old black and white documentaries. I am glued to the tv when House, Bones, or CSI is on. I feel that everything in life is a puzzle. I can figure out things most wouldnt by looking at them. Taking pictures, doing make-up, styling hair, fixing computers, selling jewelry and modeling. People love my imagination and I get along with everyone. I sometimes confuse myself and get frustrated by problems I cannot fix. I know I am different and I wouldnt have it any other way.


    • Posted by bobby on March 20, 2010 at 6:27 am

      I ao m, a left hande gemini, and a hairstylist for 31 years and put up with jealous co workers they were very jealous of my talent and i always was nice and respectful but it didnt matter they try to make it not pleasant for me so i i had to change salons many times through the years i learned alot and they did me a favor because i love change and changeing to a diffrent salon motivates me more and i love to meet new people and left handed geminis are very special people


  9. Posted by cmos on December 28, 2008 at 2:51 pm

    I am a left handed gemini and I feel as though we should take over the world and use our intellectual supremicy to govern the economy and all human rights. I feel different from others most of the time, maybe its just me though haha


  10. Posted by Kumar Sanghvi on December 29, 2008 at 5:09 pm

    Hi! I am a left-handed Gemini too.
    Yep, pretty much the same character 🙂


    • Posted by gab on June 8, 2010 at 4:52 pm

      iim also a left handed gemini and i love everything about it. i didnt think there were alot of left handed gemini consider that im the only left handed and gemini in the family so i feel all weird but unique (:


  11. Posted by Padma on January 23, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    I totally, totally, agree. Am a left-handed Gemini, writing this even as Obama signs in with his south paw (yippee) and think we are poised to take over the world ! We RULE!!:)))


  12. Posted by James on February 23, 2009 at 10:48 pm

    Wow! I didn’t realize how much I had in common with other left-handed gemini’s. Oh no! Does that now make me…’normal’? I certainly hope not. There are still infinite combinations of us all that still keeps it a difficult task to classify us. Poof! I’ve changed already.


  13. Posted by ema on March 14, 2009 at 11:59 am

    im so happy to be a left handed gemini!


  14. Posted by Mel Newland on April 25, 2009 at 8:04 pm

    Sounds just like me! I am a left handed Gemini. I do tend to be wishy washy at times! 🙂


  15. Posted by Danny on May 19, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    It’s so funny xD

    I am left-handed and gemini too 🙂


  16. Posted by Danny on May 19, 2009 at 5:01 pm

    And btw.. my sisters are also rigth-handeds likes urs xD


  17. Posted by Ed on June 1, 2009 at 10:15 pm

    left handed gemini here. Maybe I am weird… so lick it.


  18. Posted by jussie on August 9, 2009 at 9:56 am

    im a leftie and gemini.i get bored easily,im abrupt…my communication skill suck coz my brain in like all over the place in a space of a minute.im overly creative…so much i think im twice the normal.totally love my self…deem myself nothing beyond special…
    we are all the same arent we???SPECIAL!!!


  19. Posted by ricardo troutman on January 4, 2010 at 9:12 pm

    yes, we are sexy, smart, complicated, and double special ! left-handed gemini – i am proud to be one and join this peace – we must remember marilyn monroe, and bob dylan!!! many other greats like us!

    peace to us!!!


  20. Posted by Jen on April 14, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    I too am a left handed Gemini and so it my hubby! it great and unique, never a dull moment in our house. I hope when we have kids the can join the ranks too.


  21. Another left-handed Gemini (ambitious amateur) writer. When I stay in a job for more than a couple of years I start to lose myself a little.

    I totally get the world as a puzzle thing someone mentioned about. Always trying to figure out what on earth the plan is. Only ever touching the edges.

    Only met one other in real life, years ago now. We were similar, yet different.


  22. Posted by Anonymous on June 18, 2011 at 12:15 am

    I’m a leftie and a Gemini. I get soo bored if I’m stuck doing one thing at a time. It gets annoying sometimes. It’s funny though, because a lot of my friends question why I act the way I do, when it seems too normal for me to care. I just shrug it off. Now I have a reason why!!:)

    (Total reader AND writer.)


  23. Posted by Anonymous on June 18, 2011 at 12:19 am

    I’m a leftie and a Gemini. I get soo bored if I’m stuck doing one thing at a time. It gets annoying sometimes. It’s funny though, because a lot of my friends question why I act the way I do, when it seems too normal for me to care. I just shrug it off. Now I have a reason why!!:)
    I also end up getting into minor trouble with people like my parents or my friends, but end up speaking so well that they get tongue-tied and I win the arguement. I think it’s funny

    (Total reader AND writer.)


  24. Hi,i am too lefthander with gemini . I want to know what will be my future.


  25. Posted by Anonymous on October 20, 2011 at 2:33 am

    im a lefty too gemini as well your blog was very interesting to read. Reminded me alot of myself


  26. Posted by The Jason on February 3, 2012 at 2:50 am

    I’m a left handed Gemini as well and I can very much relate to most if not all things mentioned in this blog. Also, for my fellow Lefty Gems, is it just me or do you feel like people judge more negatively than others once they discover these unique (awesome) traits about yourself?


  27. Posted by The Jason on February 3, 2012 at 2:51 am

    judge you more negatively*** (typo)


  28. Im going to start a group on facebooke please like the page neo mngmezulu.
    our greatness should be published.


  29. Posted by Anonymous on May 8, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    I didn’t realize that there are so many left handed geminis in the world. So proud to be part of this group.. 100% gemini and 100% lefty. You know we are the only ones in our right minds..lol


  30. Posted by Kerry on June 8, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    Gemini and lefty. Totally cool with that \:)


  31. Posted by Meenahlee on July 6, 2012 at 2:34 pm

    Aaaaay I’m a lefty Gemini also! I love to draw ESP of nature and henna designs, I love to choreograph, have very good communicating skills , and love to write, we all hve alot in common! Shout out too all thee lefty geminis 😀 love & peace too alll ⤠… And to thee ones tht are not. You guys need some loving too 🙂


  32. Left handed gemini reporting in…Ive been reading up on the concepts of both, yin/yang good/bad etc with gemini…Left handed part, lots of good positive information, I’m curious though, can someone point me in the direction of a webpage or anything discussing the positive/negative personality traits of being a gemini, while also figuring in not only the good but the ‘bad’ traits of being a southpaw…I came across an Encyclopedia of Superstitions, and nothing at all positive about the “Left.” Left-hand path, etc, etc…Im curious about how this could figure into being Gemini…I dont want to tell details from my life but looking back, a lot seems to make sense now, and thats not all good stuff I’ve done…

    Lemme know!


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  34. Posted by Anonymous on March 15, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    left handed gemini twin


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  41. Posted by Sujanani on April 21, 2013 at 6:59 am

    I’m also left handed Gemini too


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  46. You are much more settled than I am. I’m a left-handed Gemini writer and my life has been nothing but problems. Surely all my fault, but still. I’m glad you wrote about this topic. If 1/10 of the people are left-handed, then what would the pct. of left-handed Geminis be – 1/112? (I’m terrible with math, but I know how to bargain with salespeople at Ralph Lauren, and I can pee out of a window if I’m not too drunk.)



  47. I come across this page been told left handed means sinister in latin.. Spanish same thing ..im a typical gemini and always express my views by tzlking not fighting All friends i know left handed agree its a right hand world I know a friend who is left handed and left footed ! Whem I positively say u would be a great defender he laughs He also agrees being a sibling and the like me left handed its hard at the dinner table Glad sum ppl might read this Gemini and virgo are working for me x


  48. Posted by Mike on December 9, 2013 at 1:55 pm

    I am a Indigenous Left handed Gemini, I am very smart and quick. I am from Canada, Saskatchewan to be precise. My GPA ( grade point average) is always in the 90’s I’ve gotten 100% in two classes…… except math and science, I am not one of those people. I have good sociable skills and community leadership. I cant figure out why I am such a Lonely person even tho I have friends and stuff.. but at the same time I am Thankful for life. I am also a Spiritualist within my ceremonies. I am also an experience Bi-sexual If you ever want talk reply and we can exchange e-mails. Thanks


  49. Posted by 2pacfan on February 14, 2015 at 11:32 am

    Left handed GemIni over here too!! Born on 7th June it just feels so special.. 😀


  50. Posted by norma vazquez on March 26, 2015 at 11:12 am

    Ha ha ha I am the same, I am a “crazy happy” lefty Gemini. I love to talk and exasoerate those that do not match my personality. I even talk on my sleep…lol I can’t stop. When I do, its Ms Hyde that shows up, evryone around me knows trouble its about to start when my wickef twin shows up. I love reading, I think I know a bit about everything and yet I do not finish reading my books, why? because half way to the end I already figured it out. (*the end) so I jumped to another one. Sometimes I find myself reading a new book from the end to beginning. Yes, we sure are not boring at all and we only can get along with: Libra,Aquarious,Aries and perhaps Leo. Everybody else cannot stand us. They think we literally are out of our mind, but little do they know that we are the smartest and happiest zodiac sign because: ‘We don’t focus in negativity and we only see the positive (*we are able to see both sides before hand thou and able to handle it without drama) we don’t have a problem with the world, the world has a problem with us, we are innocent! Lol so we just move on flying away like a butterffly to next flower it is! 😛


    • Posted by norma vazquez on March 26, 2015 at 11:15 am

      Damn! I couldn’t edit my comment. I apologize for the misspelling words. You should be able to figure it out, my fellow Gemini. Thank you for sharing your own experience! 🙂


  51. Posted by norma vazquez on March 26, 2015 at 11:21 am

    Oh I am June 17 borned. Yes,I am part of the third decanate. *Closer to summer makes us more unique Geminis. He he he I just love me! 😛


  52. I am also a lefthanded Gemini. i use my lefthand for writing and eating, but my right hand for all my sports activities, which is weird. I love a good debate, i love writing poems and quotes. I have no problem making friend and adapting to most environments i’m placed in. I’m usely the life of the party, and a pretty good dancer.. I’m very open minded, which i think is the reason i can get alone with most people reguardless of race. I really believe if they do a study on lefthanded Gemini’s the results will be amazing!!! 🙂


  53. Posted by Tracie on January 12, 2017 at 11:04 am

    I love our left-hand, Gemininess.! I said out loud and proud…🤗 To my super LHG. Friend and awesome neighbor. As I read your post. Because everything you wrote is true.😉 We rock! And even though he is younger than my oldest daughter. I am a female. He is gay and beautifully fabulous. And we a constantly crack eachother up because we think alike about so much. So, it goes to show you, no matter where , when, what and how… Lefty Gemini’s are the best ðŸ˜


  54. Posted by Anonymous on April 27, 2017 at 12:07 pm

    I’m a left handed Gemini too! I totally agree with all of this!


  55. Posted by Jessica on September 23, 2019 at 1:01 am

    I’m a left handed gemini born may 28th. Needed less to say confused and miss understood. I love people life and independence. Family is everything. Roots. I’m judged alot.


  56. Posted by Mpho Moremi on June 20, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    I am left handed gemini born 04 June. 2 of my 5 children are left handed. My grandfather used to beat me for using the left hand when eating. I did very well in art and designs. Routine is boring and monotonous to me.


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